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Hearing & Speech

Hearing & Speech

Hearing & Speech Therapy

At Amritam Gamaya Aadi ENT Care, we create a nurturing space for our Hearing and speech Services, focusing on fostering effective communication and prioritizing hearing health. Our mission revolves around providing dedicated care customized for individuals of all ages navigating hearing and speech challenges.
We recognize hearing and speech’s profound impact on your quality of life. Our commitment extends to cultivating a supportive environment where your journey towards enhanced communication and improved hearing health is embraced. Our team of experts brings a wealth of experience and proficiency to ensure that you receive the utmost level of care, whether you seek solutions for hearing loss, speech disorders, or related issues.
We invite you to explore our array of specialized services thoughtfully designed to empower you on your path to better hearing and effective communication.

Hearing and Speech Therapy

Empowering Communication and Enhancing Hearing Health

  • Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations: These assessments help us understand your unique hearing profile, enabling us to recommend appropriate interventions and treatment options.
  • Hearing Aid Selection and Fitting: If hearing loss is detected, our experts guide you through the process of selecting the most suitable hearing aids. We consider your preferences, lifestyle, and hearing needs to ensure optimal fit and performance.
  • Speech Therapy: Our speech therapists work with individuals of all ages to address speech and language disorders. We offer personalized therapy plans to enhance communication skills and improve overall quality of life.
  • Fluency and Stuttering Management: Our speech therapists offer strategies and techniques to manage stuttering and enhance fluency, allowing for smoother and more confident communication.

Hearing and Speech Therapy Services at Amritam Gamaya Aadi ENT Care

  • Holistic Approach: We recognize the interdependence of hearing and speech. Our integrated care caters to your holistic communication needs.
  • Specialized Expertise: Our team comprises experienced specialists and adept speech therapists, ensuring that you receive the highest level of care.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand the uniqueness of each individual’s challenges. Our interventions are meticulously customized to your specific requirements.

Book A appointment

Schedule Your Hearing and Speech Consultation

Experience the transformation of communication and hearing with our comprehensive services. Schedule a consultation with our experts today through the contact information provided on our website or by utilizing our user-friendly online booking system. Explore the empowering impact of Hearing and Speech Therapy Services at Amritam Gamaya Aadi ENT Care.

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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about Hearing and Speech

For more personalized answers to your questions or to schedule a consultation, feel free to contact us using the information provided on our website. Our team at Amritam Gamaya Aadi ENT Care is here to support you on your journey to better hearing and effective communication.

Our Hearing services encompass a comprehensive range of evaluations, treatments, and interventions to address various hearing challenges. These include hearing assessments, hearing aid fitting and rehabilitation, auditory rehabilitation, and specialized counseling.

Determining whether you need a hearing aid involves recognizing the signs of hearing loss and evaluating how it impacts your daily life. Here are some common indicators that you might benefit from using a hearing aid:

  1. Difficulty in Conversations: It could be a sign of hearing loss if you struggle to understand conversations, especially in noisy environments or when multiple people are talking.
  2. Increasing Volume: If you find yourself frequently turning up the volume on your TV, radio, or electronic devices, your hearing might be compromised.
  3. Muffled Sounds: If you perceive sounds as muffled or unclear, even after adjusting the volume, it’s a sign that you might have hearing loss.
  4. Frequent Misunderstandings: If you often misunderstand what others are saying or need them to repeat themselves, it could indicate hearing difficulties.
  5. Social Withdrawal: Hearing loss can lead to social isolation due to communication challenges, causing you to avoid social gatherings or conversations.
  6. Tinnitus: If you experience ringing, buzzing, or other sounds in your ears (tinnitus), it might be associated with hearing loss.
  7. Struggling on the Phone: If you find it hard to hear conversations on the phone, even when the volume is adequate, it could be due to hearing loss.
  8. Fatigue and Stress: Straining to hear can be mentally and physically tiring, leading to fatigue and increased stress levels.
  9. Difficulty in Hearing High-Pitched Sounds: Hearing loss often affects high-pitched sounds like doorbells, alarms, or birds chirping.
  10. Family and Friends’ Observations: Loved ones might notice your hearing difficulties before you do. If they mention that you’re frequently asking them to repeat themselves, it’s worth considering.


Our team of experts can guide you through the process of selecting and fitting appropriate hearing aids. We consider your individual hearing needs, preferences, and lifestyle to ensure that you receive hearing aids that enhance your listening experiences.

Speech Therapy, also known as Speech-Language Therapy, is a specialized field of healthcare that focuses on diagnosing, evaluating, and treating communication disorders related to speech, language, voice, and fluency. It aims to improve individuals’ ability to communicate effectively, express themselves clearly, and enhance their overall communication skills.

Speech Therapy benefits individuals of all age groups, from children to adults. It is suitable for those experiencing challenges in articulation (pronunciation of sounds), expressive and receptive language (using and understanding language), fluency (stuttering), voice quality, and other communication difficulties.

Auditory rehabilitation includes exercises and strategies designed to improve auditory skills, such as listening, speech comprehension, and sound localization. This process helps individuals optimize their ability to interpret and respond to various auditory stimuli.